Thursday, August 27, 2020
Case study2 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Study2 - Case Study Example he instructor needs to save dynamic for whatever length of time that conceivable so as to draw out her life, and this is just simple when the educator is permitted to connect with training which has been her activity for long. It implies that the educator truly has no alternative than to simply keep instructing despite the fact that it has been understood that her yield in class with her understudies is declining continuously. This is likewise a genuine issue given that the understudies additionally ought not get poor grades or fail to meet expectations to the detriment of holding a failing to meet expectations educator. Be that as it may, as a decent head, there is the need to adjust the necessities with the end goal that both the understudies and the educator won't need to lose. The instructor can be permitted to educate for a couple of hours the understudies be given a substitution to assist them with paying for the lost time. On the off chance that the educator is left to keep in structing, at any rate this will assist her family with being ready to discover some simplicity in managing her medical problem. As a Principal, it is savvy to discover more data about such a case from the specialists who work in such medical problems before settling on any choice. This will assist the head with finding out progressively about the sickness so as to settle on an educated choice that will be of moral incentive to the instructor and not conflict with the enthusiasm of the understudies. On the off chance that the chief wouldn't like to counsel the specialist or a survivor of the circumstance, they can even now get the data identified with such issues from the web, papers and magazines. Through along these lines, the chief can know how the survivors of such cases should be dealt with and dealt with. Rather than permitting the instructor to show full time, there are options that can be applied. She can instruct for less hours, leaving the remainder of the ideal opportunity for the other educator to support the understudies. Then again, the educator can be permitted to work in different offices, for example, disciplinary or advising. This will be done in the wake of being in contact with the businesses or the chiefs who will evaluate and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mary Rowlandson essays
Mary Rowlandson expositions Cabeza de Vaca was in a very unexpected circumstance in comparison to Mary Rowlandson; anyway they shared a few similitudes while in bondage by the Indians. Cabeza de Vaca was in bondage a lot sooner than Mary Rowlandson, this has a great deal to do with how the Indians acknowledge and act toward the Englishmen. Cabeza de Vaca was there on a strategic to him via Carlos V; where as Mary Rowlandson was there to settle with her family. These two contrasts clarify much about how they respond to the bondage and their devotion to endure. Cabeza de Vaca was determined to prevail here and there. It could be the method of his disappointment that he went after for an otherworldly achievement. In spite of the fact that, with Mary Rowlandson she was continually considering God all through her whole battle to remain alive in imprisonment. From the day the Indians came into her home and caught her and her family she was continually depending on God for help. It isn't my tongue, or pen can communic ate the distresses of my heart, and sharpness of my soul, that I had at this takeoff: however God was with me, in an awesome way, conveying me along, and enduring my soul, that it didn't exactly fall flat. Statements like this one show exactly the amount she was depending on God to get her through this damnation she was in. This was like how Cabeza de Vaca and his men had the option to endure their imprisonment. There is one significant distinction between these two individuals. Cabeza de Vaca changed his demeanor of attempting to return to the country to staying and turning into a pioneer of the New World. Where as Mary Rowlandson was simply attempting to get back home to her family. I was unable to envision experiencing the testimonial that she experienced. Like for example when she and her kid were on the pony with no seat and the two of them tumble off going down a slope and the Indians simply chuckle, this while them two are very nearly passing. Anyway after the demise of her y oungster (that she genuinely conveyed ... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Arizona Moves to Ban Title Loans - OppLoans
Arizona Moves to Ban Title Loans - OppLoans Arizona Moves to Ban Title LoansInside Subprime: June 4, 2019By Jessica EastoA group of Arizona consumer advocates are pushing to either ban title loans or reduce the interest rates lenders are allowed to charge in the Grand Canyon State.Last month, legal papers were filed in order to move the initiative forward. Backers of the initiative need to collect 237,645 valid signatures from Arizona voters by July 2, 2020, in order for the issue to to appear on the general election ballot in 2020.Title loans are a type of predatory loan in which borrowers receive quick money in exchange for putting their vehicles up as collateralâ"meaning, the lender can repossess the car if the debt isnât repaid. They are often difficult for borrowers to repay due to their short repayment terms and high interest rates.In Arizona, the legal maximum annual percentage rate (APR) is currently 204 percent. If this new initiative cannot ban title loans outright, it seeks to limit their allowable APR to 36 perc ent. There have been several legislative proposals to enact this 36 percent cap, but they have all been defeated by Arizonaâs Republican-controlled legislatureâ"one reason why, this time, the decision is being taken directly to the voters.This push is backed by many of the same groups that successfully outlawed payday loans in 2010, making Arizona the seventeenth state to do so. The payday loan industry reportedly spent more than $17 million to prevent this from happening.Payday loans are very similar to title loans, except they do not require the borrower to put up collateral in order to borrow money. When payday loans were banned, the law still allowed for Arizonans to borrow against their cars.Since the payday loan ban, reports have shown that title loan lending has greatly increased. Many backers of the title loan banâ"including Kelly Griffith of the Southwest Center for Economic Integrityâ"believe that title loan lenders have stretched the letter of the law to make that ha ppen. Today, for example, people can borrow against cars that they donât even have clear title to.âTheyâre exploiting that loophole,â said Griffith, by offering title loans to borrowers who cannot afford them. âItâs another name for payday loans.âThe risks of payday loans and title loans are the same. Frequently, borrowers who are unable to pay back their original loans take out another one, and another one. The cycle of debt that results can be difficult to get out of and can lead to bankruptcy. Itâs likely that this initiative will be fought by the title loan industry. Those who oppose the ban say that products like title loans offer an option to high-risk individuals that cannot quality for financial products through traditional lenders, like banks, thereby justifying the high interest rates.However, Griffiths believes that the industry effectively encourages people to borrow when they cannot afford it. âIf you do not have enough income to meet your basic cash f low needs . . . what are the chances youâre going to be able to pay that loan back?â she asked.Learn more about payday loans, scams, and cash advances by checking out our city and state financial guides, including Arizona, Phoenix, Mesa and more.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Monday, May 25, 2020
Facts about crude oil - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1794 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Type Analytical essay Level High school Topics: Inflation Essay Investment Essay Did you like this example? Crude oil is the term used for unprocessed oil and it is also known as petroleum. Crude oil is a fossil fuel that is naturally derived from decaying plants and animals. The various elements or compounds with which crude oil is made are carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Facts about crude oil" essay for you Create order Crude oil differs in color from plain to tar black and this is because of its constituency. Hydrocarbon is the main element that contains a lot of energy and that is the reason why crude oil is used in producing many forms of energy like gasoline, diesel and others. Hydrocarbon is considered as excellent element because it is used in many forms. Like if we chemically treat the hydrocarbon in different ways many things can be made out of this like synthetic rubber, nylon, etc. It is believed that due to its high energy density, plenty availability etc, crude oil has become the worlds most impressive source of energy. It is estimated that the present utilization of crude oil is about 90 million barrels per day. Studies reveal that proportion of oil is plummeting as petroleum recovery is getting intrinsic. Because of these increased in consumption level, the reserves would be gone and may lead to global energy crisis. Not only this, crude oil releases carbon dioxide when they a re burnt and which has bad impact on the environment and which led to global warming. TRENDS IN CRUDE OIL Nowadays crude oil has been capturing many news headlines worldwide whether high or low. Crude has been throwing its sense of importance to the consumers globally for the past years. In the past many economies had failed to face crude oil price shocks of 1974 and 1979. Most economies both developed and developing had knowledge and are prepared to face these shocks. Between 2001 and 2004, crude oil was in the range of $US 20 and $US 40 a barrel and it rises to $US 70 a barrel in 2006. The crux was basically the reason of rise in prices of oil which was the mismatch between the demand and supply of refinery products. It was recommended to increase the output if the prices continues with this range and they did the same in 2006 and due to this the crude oil prices have touched the years low and had come down to 30% of its high. HOW TO DETERMINE GOLD PRICE MOVEMENTS? Gold is odd as commodity in that operates a little differently than the other commodities because of its lower demand for industrial products. As opposite to other metals like silver and copper, golds demand is not the primary factor in its price movements with Indian weddings being one of the areas where gold is demanded. There are of course other things like regular jewelry and some industrial uses but those uses are not related to the use of other uses like industrial purposes. One must look to certain point to find out or analyse where the price of gold will move and one area could be inflation. Another element that must be watched is government interference where it can have direct impact on gold price movements. When thinking of gold as a wealth building tool, its more difficult to make happen than other precious metals, although those committing themselves to know the gold market and gold companies making money. But as have seen its primary purpose is safety and inf lation hedge. And the major factor which may also be seen is that to watch how much money Federal Reserve or whoever it is that prints money in your country is printing. At last to say that by definition, inflation in printing money and the effects of undervaluing of currency and the resultant inflation is what gold investors need to watch more than anything else. CORRELATION BETWEEN GOLD AND OIL The only way which rises scope for gold is the price of oil rising to standard levels Its partner i.e. oil is linked to gold whether it is in bad situation or good situation and they are trading within a well defined range and are related to each other. This happens as the price of oil rises, the price of gold follows the same route. The recent trend on the both of the commodities gives a clue for the future direction of the prices of gold which is regarded as a safe investment in uncertain times. Although the relation of gold and oil is interrupted and is done occasionally. Focusing back that is thousands years ago, gold which is the most precious metal among other metals has a long history as a store value of time. As the techniques to refine crude oil was first developed in the year 1850, oil has become one of the important commodities since then. It has been seen that as oil is more expensive among other energy commodities, it pushes up the price for the energy and thereo n money flows to the safety of gold as a hedge against inflation. The closer correlation between the rising price of gold and oil provides the answer to the future direction of the gold price. Inflation is the single biggest threat rising in the shadows of global economy replacing the credit requirement or credit crunch as the most serious threat to economic stability. The economies of India and China are still growing fast but not as fast as they were earlier. Rising inflation has cut consumer demand for gold in India by half as consumers wait for the price to fall to more affordable levels. This was a part of trend that has seen consumer demand for gold fall globally. So the question arises : with plenty of gold and oil already in the system why are price rising if real demand is falling? Speculative demand for oil and gold goes some way to explain the years increase in prices. But this is not the only factor, the other factors could be the political and economic factors tha t threatened the world into global crisis. Earlier there was the threat to supply. Attention has been focused on events with investors seizing opportunities when the supply of oil and gold is threatened. Another factor is the increasing tension developing in US. More expensive energy will act to slow growth worldwide as inflation rises and government tighten fiscal policies in the hope of controlling inflationary pressures. There is expectation to see gold and oil continue to break records this year with nightmare scenario of $200 a barrel looking ahead more likely to increase. If this happens, gold as a hedge against ensuing inflation will also be pulled upwards to record highs. The long term average old to oil ratio is 15 barrels of oil to one ounce of gold. An ounce of gold at current price will buy the customers around 7 barrels of oil. With oil moving relentlessly towards $140 a barrel, makes a powerful case for investing in gold right now. It has been seen since that gold and oil have a positive correlation. When oil prices rise, there is upward pressure on inflation. This enhances the use of gold as an inflation hedge. IMPACT OF OIL GOLD PRICES ON STOCK MARKET Impact of oil gold prices on the stock market is inversely proportional. A shoot in the prices leads to fall in the stock market. And a decrease in oil gold price on an average leads to higher stock market return. So the effect of both the prices are predictable in the stock market. The effect is profound when it increases 50% to 100% annually. The reasons being: Any movement in the prices results in uncertainty in the stock market. Higher the oil and gold, higher the transportation for oil and higher the maintenance for gold. For eg. A decrease in the prices by 10% in US will result in the expected return to double up on the stock market in the following month. Though the stock market moves in the opposite direction with respect to oil and gold prices, it is basically a one way traffic. The stock market returns has no impact on the crude oil and gold prices. The entire stock market does not get equally or at the same time affected by the fluctuation in oil prices. The US industrial sectors get most affected with the rise in oil prices. It has been advisable to hold on to energy stocks shift focus from the mass market to general retailers. This is the reason why mass market retailers ought to be avoided with respect to stock investments. IMPACT ON COMMODITIES MARKET There are certain inputs which impacts the economy of the world as a whole like the price of oil. The certain elements that make up the basis for analyzing the global economy. The cost rises for transportation companies if the oil prices increases and thereby reducing their profit margins and inturn forcing them to increase their prices, similarly affecting all other companies that rely on them to transport products and people. By contrast, most energy companies benefit from higher oil prices because of increased demand for substitute energy sources like ethanol etc. The time period of my analysis part was bad time for most energy companies. Hence it has been proved that the oil prices are positively related to commodities market. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The analysis was on monthly basis. And there were lot of fluctuations in the prices of the commodities. Because of that it was difficult to come to a particular situation. Secondly, the paper would have been more attractive if we were allowed to use the chart and diagrams for analysis part. CONCLUSION The term paper discusses the correlation between the oil prices and gold prices and that has been done on monthly basis and their impact on both commodities and stock market. The study reveals about the trends in crude oil prices from the past few years. It also shows about the correlation and it has been observed that the oil prices and gold prices are positively correlated overall but if we see on monthly basis then it has been seen that sometimes it is positively related and sometimes negatively correlated but mostly positive. Not only this, the paper also reveals their impact on commodities market and it has been analyzed that the prices of crude oil is positively related to commodities market but negatively to stock market. It has been observed that the change in the price of oil and gold has no impact on the stock returns. Thus it is advisable for the consumers to invest in the commodities by analyzing the entire market and calculating the returns thereof. BIBLIOGRAPHY CO.html
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Problem Of Drug Abuse - 3586 Words
Abstract When it comes to teenage drug abuse, marijuana, cocaine, LSD and other illegal drugs might come to mind. In fact four out of five people, when asked what they believed was the most abused drug among teens, answered: alcohol, heroin, cocaine, meth and caffeine. While all these drugs are of concern, the use of them in teens is declining. Adolescence are becoming more aware of the side effects and consequences of using these drugs. Narcotic pharmaceuticals are a rising issue in teens today. Yet most people seem to be unaware of pain killers as a problem. It could be due to most pain killers only being able to be obtained by doctor. Doctors have to hand out prescriptions in order for a person, whom ever it may be, to obtain the medications. Here is where the issue arises. Any person can inside a hospital screaming in agony and receive pain medication. But what if those people donââ¬â¢t need the medication? What if the symptoms they are portraying arenââ¬â¢t real? Many people take a dvantage of our health care system. Without realizing the effects it not only has on one, but on the people closest to them also. Keywords: Lysergic acid diethylamide, a synthetic crystalline compound, which is a potent hallucinogenic drug. Addiction to Narcotic Pharmaceuticals In general, research on the subjective aspects of morphine addiction has been of two kinds: (a) The Acquisition of data on behavior and replies of addicts to questions, and (b) the use of free association technics and dreamShow MoreRelatedDrug Abuse Is A Problem Essay1180 Words à |à 5 PagesDrug abuse is a big problem and there are solutions, but everyone has to work together to achieve them. A possible solution might be to educate the different groups of drug users about the effects of drug abuse. Another is to place a higher priority on eliminating the source of the drug problem, such as the more popular known drugs like marijuana, cocaine, tobacco, nicotine and the others. Keeping the next generation from even starting drug abuse will completely eliminate the problem, but achievingRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Abuse1331 Words à |à 6 PagesBaltimoreââ¬â¢s residents are addicted to the drugâ⬠(Yang, 2014). Graph oneââ¬â¢s statistics represent the number of deaths cau sed by heroin in Baltimore, Maryland from January through June 2007-2014: (Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene [Graph 1], 2014). As the graph above illustrates, drug abuse is a disease that is often overlooked and if untreated it could turn into a recreational activity for the people using them and eventually increase the number of drug enthusiasts throughout Baltimore. ManyRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Abuse1525 Words à |à 7 PagesEach year ââ¬Å"Drug abuse kills about 200,000 peopleâ⬠(Drug Abuse Kills 200,000 People Each Year, 2012, para.1). As of now, there is no sure way to get people to stop doing drugs. Addicts are everywhere in licking county and even though drug abuse might not be able to be stopped completely but, there are always way to help users. Clean needle exchanges are a sure way to stop the spread of disease among addicts. Every day thousands of addicts are sharing needles because they have no other option, theyRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Ab use1006 Words à |à 5 Pagestrends like drug abuse. According to Pew Research Center, marijuana is the ââ¬Å"most commonly used drug at all grade levelsâ⬠. With that exact problem in mind, T.A.D.A. was formed. Teens Against Drug Abuse was established in the year 2014 to prevent and act against teenage drug abuse. Drug abuse is a life-threatening habit that, if it does not end a life at any early age, can physically or emotionally cripple a teenager for the rest of their lives. When analyzing the root of any problem to find a solutionRead MoreDrug Abuse And The Social Problem957 Words à |à 4 PagesWhat is a social problem? Social problem is every conditions that is recognized as a social problem existed for some time before it came to be ââ¬Å"definedâ⬠as such. What is a drug abuse in the social problem? Drug abuse is desire to use more drug than enough or than what prescription of the doctor in order to be comfortable and stimulants at the end the user become addicted and hopeless. Drug can be used with any gender according the age in the different environment and location, such as CommunityRead MoreDrug Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem Essay976 Words à |à 4 PagesDrug abuse is a worldwide problem and one that has plagued the United States for decades. Drug abuse negatively impacts not only the individual user, but also our society as a whole. The fight to prevent the manufacturing and trafficking of illegal drugs into the country has made very little impact on its accessibility to those that wish to partake. According to the National Drug Control Budget Report for 2015, the President of the United States request $25.4 Billion in Fiscal Year 2015 in orderRead MoreThe Problem Of Drugs And Alcohol Abuse765 Words à |à 4 PagesIntroduction My chosen contemporary social problem is drugs and alcohol abuse. It goes without saying that drugs and alcohol abuse is one of the most significant social problems not only in the United States but also around the world. As a matter of facts, drugs and alcohol abuse is a problem with innumerable effects both on the body and mind of a person. Many times, these adverse impacts affect the families, friends, and acquaintances of the addict whereby, for instance, the latter may lose theirRead MoreThe Problem Of Prescription Drug Abuse1461 Words à |à 6 Pages(Quotes about Drug Abuse). This quote by Wayne Gerald Trotman describes how heartbreaking it is to contemplate on exactly how many peopleââ¬â¢s lives have been adversely impacted as a result of abuse. Child abuse, animal abuse, and sexual abuse are all major types of abuse; however, prescription drug abuse is a problem that is drastically skyrocketing in todayââ¬â¢s society. While other addictions and abuses are equally signi ficant, it is imperative that people put a stop to prescription drug abuse using twoRead MoreDrug Abuse Is A Major Problem1122 Words à |à 5 PagesDrug abuse is a major problem in the United States and throughout the world as more and more people become addicted every day. ââ¬Å" We live in a society where millions of Americans are dependent on drugs or alcohol and only a small percentage receive treatment at a facility. In fact, the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 21.5 Americans age 12 and older had a substance use disorder in the previous year; however, sadly only 2.5 million received the specialized treatment they neededRead MorePrescription Drug Abuse Is A Serious Problem1547 Words à |à 7 PagesBailey Glanville Mrs. Landgrebe Advanced Composition/4 21 December 2014 Research Paper Prescription drug abuse is a serious problem in todayââ¬â¢s society. Prescription drug abuse is taking medicine prescribed for someone else, for another purpose, a larger dose than prescribed, in a different way than one is specifically prescribed. (ââ¬Å"Prescription Medlineâ⬠par. 1). This includes using a prescription to get high by crushing, snorting, or injecting them (ââ¬Å"Prescription Medlineâ⬠par. 4 and 5). By using
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Political Climate In The United States Has Been Forever
The political climate in the United States has been forever changed in the due to the Vietnam War to the pint of where there now currently lies a political system that focuses more on what members of a party wants and doing whatever possible to make sure that the opposing party fails their proposed legislature instead of working together to pass laws that would benefit citizens and the nation. The United States got involved in Vietnam because of the Cold War and the Cold War started fundamentally because of the ideological differences that the U.S. had with the Soviets (Communism vs Democracy). Although itââ¬â¢s somewhat unfair to say that the U.S. is a little like the USSR, in a way the two nations are similar. While it s true that the U.S.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦As the Cold War continued to drag on, came the rise of McCarthyism; where Americans ranging from the public to politicians accused one another of being a communist. For politicians being called a communist or bein g labeled as ââ¬Å"soft on communismâ⬠was very detrimental to careers. Unsurprisingly Democrats and Republicans would use the label of ââ¬Å"communist sympathizerâ⬠as a way of steering voters away from their opponents. Though McCarthyism would die down as Joseph McCarthy lost all credibility and his importance in the political and public spheres waned, this method of accusing others of being friends of the communists would come back full force during the Vietnam War to discredit those who were opposed to U.S. involvement. Pro-war propaganda by both Democrats (including Kennedy and Johnson) and Republicans (Nixon) was what kept so many Americans blindly supporting the government and military as the Anti-war movement was gaining momentum. Conservative and Liberals alike used the argument that the war in Vietnam was a conflict that the U.S. needed to fight and win; claiming that ââ¬Å"war is a moral test for the freeâ⬠, most likely arguing that countries like the U.S. need to go to war to protect the world and its freedoms from oppressive ideologies. During Kennedyââ¬â¢s presidency andShow MoreRelatedUnited States Political Culture754 Words à |à 4 Pagesfor the political culture in George Orwellââ¬â¢s novel, 1984; a stark, depressing world where ââ¬Å"Big Brotherâ⬠is watching you at all times. The political culture of the Untied States, thankfully, is a much more democratic and freeing environment. ââ¬Å"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...â⬠is what we live by, n ot ââ¬Å"Freedom is slavery.â⬠The political culture of the United States is made up of two main concepts: liberty and equality. These will be discussed in this paper. United States; a countryRead MoreEssay on Economy vs. Environment1243 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe horizon. With mass production forever rising, society was yet to realize the detrimental effects it was having on the ever-fragile environment. This new culture of consumerism, which has been developing over the last one hundred and fifty years, incorporates a certain lifestyle society today could not fathom giving up. Therefore, both locally and nationally, the greed, want and selfishness that have plagued humanity are the ultimate causal factor behind climate change. When this new processRead MoreThe Global Warming And Climate Change924 Words à |à 4 PagesWarming and Climate Changeâ⬠The Global Warming and Climate Change has been a subject of debate for over many years nows. A lot of people are undereducated or misinformed by what is going on. This position paper should clear some myths and hoaxs of Global warming and climate change. In a paper punlished by Nature they provide one possible examination: For the vast majority of Americans, the weather is simply becoming more pleasant. Over the past four decades the temperature in the winter has been suffiecentlyRead MorePolitical Fundraising Corruption: Its Effects on Todays Voters997 Words à |à 4 PagesIn the United States of America, we champion the power of the populace to elect the nationââ¬â¢s leaders. We are taught that each individual vote is important, and that each elected official has the responsibility of representing the electorate, lest the people cast their votes for someone else in future contests. However, in reality, elected officials have become increasingly indebted to their financial co ntributors while becoming less responsible to the voters themselves. A political campaign hasRead MoreThe People And Culture Of Panama1077 Words à |à 5 Pagesalong with world changing technological advances. Even though it is pretty up to date communication and technology wise, it still sticks to its native roots. Panamanians are quick to tell you what they love about their country. Whether itââ¬â¢s the climate, the culture, or the outdoors, national pride runs deep in Panama. Many Panamanians feel strongly that their country is different from others in the region. This is mainly because of its intense history or unique geographical location. Whatever theRead MoreWhat Makes Me Stand Out?1566 Words à |à 7 PagesSTATEMENT OF PURPOSE What makes me stand out? The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. I have forever believed in this school of thought. Commitment, Passion and Innovation are those which have kept me on the drive. I, Atisha Mootha, have always deemed that the most powerful weapon on earth is Passion. Passion creates a power that is inexhaustible, intense and treasured. Be it the latest developments in Technology or the innovations in field of ArchitectureRead MoreFlorida Californi A Great Impact On The Most Diverse Population Of People Essay1718 Words à |à 7 PagesCalifornia has been known for it s beautiful golden coast, stunning mountain ranges, and the always wonderful sunny weather. The state houses the largest and second most diverse population of people in the United States. The large diversity of the people could be contributed by the vast differing landscapes that stretch across the state. Northern California in particular, is home to a variety of enormous mountains, mountain ranges, beautiful lakes, and forever flowing rivers. People come fromRead More11th Grade Essay896 Words à |à 4 PagesEssay Prompt 3 During the founding of the new nation, the United States, there were a number of influential people who made important decisions based on their various opinions. These people, the founding fathers of the United States, would set examples, ideals, and rules for many leaders to come. Our first president George Washington, our 3rd president Thomas Jefferson, and our first Supreme Court justice John Marshall were all very important and influential individuals. Together, theirRead MoreSulistiyanto: Discussing Bilateral Relationship Between Australia and Indonesia621 Words à |à 3 Pagesgovernments. It traces on how the role of governments have impacted in the creating of Indonesia domestic policy and foreign policy, especially toward Australia. Sulistiyanto examines the changing in Indonesia domestic policy and the contribution of the non-state actors in the maintenance of the bilateral relationship of the two countries. In his article he mentions the four perspectives on Indo nesia and Australia relations (pp.119-121). These four perspectives intend to show how the bilateral relationshipsRead MoreShift From Fossil Fuel Should Be Made Mandatory1632 Words à |à 7 PagesShift from fossil fuel should be made mandatory Imagine waking up everyday looking for an umbrella to protect you from the scorching sun and a breathing mask to put over your face to support you in breath clean air. Not only for a period of time but forever, because the air is heavily polluted and the sun is always super hot, that people only ventured out during night hours. These are some of the warning the environmental activist fear could be were we are heading as inhabitants of this planet earth
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sources for Old Testament Study
Question: Discuss about the Sources for Old Testament Study. Answer: Introduction: The marriage topic is striking in the first chapter and grabs the attention of the reader. Marriage has extensively been talked about by Hosea by portraying God as an envious Man due to His wifes betrayal. This brings out the imagery in the story where Hosea represents God and Gomer; his wife is Israel. God is angry with the Israelites who have betrayed him by forging political affiliation and promoting corruption on ethical issues. The marriage between Israelites and God is more of a covenant where the Israelites even after going beyond the terms of the agreement with God by not following Him, He still takes care of them and maintains His ways of being righteous and forgiving and giving second chances. However, since Yahweh is angry, the Israelites must suffer by being conquered by the Assyrians (Landy, 1995). The first verses of the first chapter of the book of Hosea, Hosea explores the spiritual harlotry which the Israelites were committing which had increased the anger of the Lord and prompted Yahweh to allow Assyrians defeat the Israelites who were taken into exile. However, despite the anger that the Lord had on Israelites still, He considered Israelites as His children; therefore, He still had plans of liberating them from exile. Hosea goes ahead to talk about the salvation and the emancipation of Israelites from captivity (Arnold, Beyer, 2002). Hosea speaks of the Northern Kingdom which had currently stolen the patriarchal lineage in the king's succession from the Davidic line of leadership. Hosea brings out the conditions which the Northern Kingdom was experiencing. During the period which Hosea was delivering the prophecy, Ephraim as the Northern Kingdom was being referred to as undergone a lot of change regarding leadership. Interestingly there were around 19 kings. This explains that Yahwehs favor was not upon the kingdom due to the sins being committed by Gods people. One indeed, God had benevolently allowed the chipping of the United Kingdom (1 Kings 11:29-38). However, in spite of the fact that he would pass along these lines humble Judah given its two-timing excessive admiration, this would not keep going forever, Hosea further explains when the Israelites will be liberated. This will happen once the rightful kings sit on the throne. The southern kingdom (Judah) had the legitimate Davidic lineage. Therefore, the Isr aelites will be liberated once they have accepted Yahweh as their ruler by allowing the rightful leaders chosen by him to lead. Therefore, one of the prophecies that Hosea delivered was the end of Jeroboam reign. It came to pass when Jeroboam was killed, and his son assassinated barely six months as the king which marked the end of a lineage. (Arnold, Beyer, 2002) Hosea is credited with giving a warning and a message of judgment to the Israelites on behalf of Yahweh. The Lord was discontented by His people who had left Him and put their trust on the Baal gods Yahweh summons Hosea to find Gomer who is a harlot and to marry her, this was to symbolize the relationship that the Lord God of Israel had with His people. It is hard to be possible that Yahweh ordered Hosea to accept a harlot as a wife. The scriptures greatly condemn prostitution, and therefore it could be possible that Gomer being a harlot is symbolic. Therefore, it may be possible to say that Gomer was not a prostitute, but rather her spiritual beliefs were corrupted; hence, she could be a believer of Baal. Precisely when the firstborn son was delivered, Hosea was to name him Jezreel ("God will sow/scatter"). The name signified that the child was indebted to overcome sin and to make sure that the children of Yahweh start receiving attention from the Lord. Jezreel was looked upon to change the king lineage and deliver it to the Davidic lineage. Jezreel was also inclined to be the basis of righteousness in the eyes of the Lord. Jehu who was reigning in the time of Jezreel went against the Lord by prosecuting the innocent and developed pagan worship regardless of the fact that earlier he had executed the prophets of Baal. The second child of Hosea was a girl named Lo-Ruhamah ("no pity/kindness"). The northern kingdom had fallen off from the favor of God. This name was a reflection of Yahwehs action in the nation. God wanted to punish the Israelites as they had fallen of short of His grace. The third child was named Lo-Ammi (not my people) where God felt that His people had apparently turne d their back on Him and therefore abandoned them. This shows why the Assyrians captured the Northern Kingdom which was wicked in the eyes of the Lord. Interestingly the Southern country had favor from God and was not conquered. In conclusion, God's old covenant was with Jews. However, through the death and revival of Jesus, he set up another everlasting covenant with both the Jews and Gentiles. We are the new people of God, and the prophecy of Hosea applies to us as much as it did to the Jews coming back from the outcast. 1 Peter 2:9-10 and Romans 9 demonstrates to us that while the new covenant is unlimited, we ought not just expect that we will naturally be spared just by saying we accept. God is the person who picks who will acknowledge Him and just the individuals who are genuinely chosen by him will uncover themselves by preserving till the end. (cf. 2 Tim. 2:1121; 1 John 2:19) Those who don't proceed with confidence, regardless of the possibility that they proclaim to be Christians, will face God's judgment. Just on the off chances that we comprehend this, we can grasp being spared by elegance, not by works there is nothing we can help to procurers out or alter his opinion. This is the essence of the Christian gospel Hosea chapter 11, verse 1-11 highlights Gods love to Israel. Hosea is a prophetic book which was written around 785-745 B.C. which were the years when Jeroboam the king of Israel, was reigning. Hosea originated from the Northern kingdom of Israel. Hosea was the son of Beeri. Hosea spreads the love and repentance to the people of Israel towards God. He clearly communicated a message of judgment to Israelites for the peoples continued unfaithfulness to Yahweh. Hosea succeeded Amos of whom both condemned the way Israel was wasting wealth through extravagance. Hosea saw the reign of seven kings in his three decades of prophetic work. All of these kings were wicked in the eyes of Yahweh: this explains the reason for their short reign. These kings were Jeroboam, Zechariah, Shallum among others. Hosea spread the word of Yahweh shortly before Israel was conquered by the Assyrians. Hosea writes about how the Israelites involved themselves with worshipping Baal instead of Yahweh. This resulted in the community being corrupt, selfish and doing actions that were only for personal gains which made the Lord Almighty angry hence concluding that Assyrians will capture the Israelites. This meant that Gods anger was upon the Israelites and Hosea was a messenger. Hoseas prophecy was intended to warn the people about the looming judgment that the Lord was going to impose upon the Israelites. (Arnold, Beyer, 2002) Verse 1 and 2 describes how Yahweh loved Israel from the beginning. Israel was born in Egypt and Yahweh is being affectionate and loving to his first-born child. Thus, says the Lord: Israel is my firstborn son (Exodus 4:22). Therefore, this shows that Yahweh considered Israel as a child from the beginning when Israel was created in Egypt. Israel went to Egypt as an extended family, but by the time Yahweh delivered them, Israel was already a nation. The verse continues to explain that after their delivery, almost immediately the Israelites started worshipping Baal and going further to burn incense under this idols. Even before entering the Promised Land, they yoked themselves to Baal (Numbers 25:3)and after entering the Promised Land, they quickly succumbed to Baal worship (Judges 2:11-13). Verse 3 and 4 shows how Ephraim is a Northern tribe from Israel, in Hosea, Ephraim is used to referring to the whole of Israel. Yahweh refers to Ephraim as His son and speaks of how Yahweh has taught Ephraim to walk which is a significant moment in a childs life as well as the father. Yahweh was taking care of Ephraim regardless of the failure of Ephraim to take note. The verse goes further to explain how Yahweh was bidding the Israelites with a cord of love. Instances of kindness which Yahweh gave to the Israelites as a reason for them reciprocating with love. Yahweh comforted them and even went further to bend down and feed them, for instance when Yahweh fed Israelites in the wilderness with manna and water from the rocks (Dearman, 2010). In verse 5, 6 and 7, With the Israelites being faced by an attack from the Assyrians that result to their conquest, the Israelites will not be able to go back to Egypt to avoid slavery in Israel, rather. They will be configured. Yahweh has always been Israels rightful king, but Israel long ago sought a human king, to be like other nations (1 Samuel 8:5). This explains the reason why all the kings of northern Israel were evil, and they were a total of 19. The verse goes further to explain after the conquest; they shall fall and be killed by the Assyrians. Israelites refused to repent hence Yahweh will not hear their cry, although they will cry for help (Dearman, 2010). Verse 8 and 9 points out how Yahweh regardless of His anger refuses to give up on Israel. He says He cannot hand over Israel and He will not make the Israelites cities fall like Admah and Zeboiim which were destroyed with Sodom and Gomorrah. Although Yahweh will punish Israel, Israel will not be entirely destroyed. However, regardless of the anger that Israel invokes on Yahweh, still compassionate as He contemplates Israels punishment. Yahweh promises that He will not utterly destroy Ephraim because His ways are not the ways of a man. Yahweh concludes that He will not come in wrath. (Stuart, 1987). Finally verse 10 and 11 shows ho Yahweh goes further to indicate that although His roar will be loud still Ephraim will come to Him. Therefore, the roar is to scare Israels enemies who will be protected by Yahweh and settled safely in their house. (Dearman, 2010) Hosea 11 outlines God's enduring adoration for his children an affection so strong that it proceeds in spite of defiance, a love that leads God to reestablish his people after he has rebuffed them. Hosea 11 delineates God's driving forward adoration utilizing a story based on the analogy of a father's love for an insubordinate child. The subject is created comparatively: unfaithfulness and insubordination, discipline and rebuilding. The message, as it is set up in Hosea 11, resembles a four-act dramatization in which Hosea is the leading performing artist, representing God. (Dearman, 2010) In conclusion, Chapter 11 contains the most powerful yet touching words in all of Hosea. It highlights a sharp complexity between God's tender memories of His first association with Israel but then His distress at their dismissal of Him for Baal regardless of all that He had accomplished for them. His people had underestimated His adoration and watch over them, and the Lord was worried for their steady absence of constancy, which now required their coming judgment. In a moment show off His empathy, the Lord uncovers that His standing affection for Israel would imply that His judgment couldn't and would not spell the end for His people. For in a future day Israel would react to His call and they would come back to their homes and His favors. References Dearman, J.A., 2010. The Book of Hosea (Vol. 29). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. Sweeney, M.A., 2000. The Twelve Prophets. 2 vols.Berit Olam. Stuart, D.K., 1987.Hosea-Jonah(Vol. 31). W Pub Group. Arnold, B.T., and Beyer, B.E., 2002.Readings from the Ancient Near East: Primary Sources for Old Testament Study. Baker Academic. Landy, F., 1995. In the Wilderness of Speech: Problems of Metaphor in Hosea.Biblical Interpretation,3(1), pp.35-59.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Organized Hypocrisy Essay Example
Organized Hypocrisy Essay Every nation wants to contain its own powers and privileges. Of course it is needed. Any nation satisfying the definition of state can expect the powers and privileges of its own. It does not like others involvement in its matter by other nations. The ability of a nation to constrain other involvement in its internal affairs is called sovereignty. à ¹Ã¢â¬Å"Sovereignty is the exclusive right to exercise supreme political (e.g. legislative, judicial, and/or executive) authority over a geographic region, group of people, or oneself. A sovereign is the supreme lawmaking authority, subject to no otherâ⬠. The concept of sovereignty got worldwide recognition with the idea of peace, establishment of League of Nations and U.N.O etc. The U.N.O in its charter clearly says about non-interference of other states in the internal affairs of any county. But in reality it is not going to work as we expected. We are seeing internal affairs means only as political affairs, policy affairs. But th ese things are indirectly influenced by other 1.à à à à à Wikipedia factors like pro-westernization, economy, its influence on international arena, etc.à Due influence of more number of factors which are showing impact on the sovereignty of a country, the concept of sovereignty has lost its relevance in todayââ¬â¢s modern world.à It is nothing like organized hypocrisy rather than true sovereignty. à ¹Ã¢â¬Å"The abolition of inter-state war was the declared goal of the Charter of the UN. Today, the aim seems to include the abolition of internal war as well which implies a redefinition both of internal sovereignty and the non-intervention principle.â⬠We will write a custom essay sample on Organized Hypocrisy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Organized Hypocrisy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Organized Hypocrisy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The term sovereignty has been used in four ways à ·Ã à à à à à à à International legal sovereignty à ·Ã à à à à à à à Westphalia sovereignty à ·Ã à à à à à à à Domestic sovereignty à ·Ã à à à à à à à Interdependence sovereignty 1. Eberwein, Wolf-dieter;à Badie, Bertrand ; Ingenta Connect 1. à ¹Ã¢â¬Å"International Legal Sovereignty: Practices associated with mutual recognition, usually between territorial entities that have formal juridical independence, it contains authority and legitimacy but not control. 2. Westphalian Sovereignty refers to based on the exclusion of external actors from authority structures with in a given territory. 3. Domestic Sovereignty: Formal org of political authority with in the state and the ability of public authorities to exercise effective controls with in borders of their own policy. It is sharing both authority and control. 4. Interdependence Sovereignty, Ability of public authorities to regulate the flow of information, ideas, goods, people, pollutants or capital across the borders of their state, concerned control only, no authority.â⬠Sovereignty became part and parcel of every written constitution and also included in other forms in unwritten 1. Krasner, Organized Hypocrisy constitutions as well. Each and every country talks about its sovereign functions and its sovereignty. For small countries is trying to make propaganda to safe guard its self-interest. This is mainly propagated by the top-level officials to low level officials. However the propaganda of top level is only accountable. These leaders use this in an organized way. They are using it for building personal imageà and for the country benefits as well. They make use of the word again and again in a planned way, this helps the country to make progress and continue its respect in international stage. Some times they speak crossing their limitations and also accusing other rival nations which later have to be resolved diplomatically. However human factor has its own influence and it is the main real factor to make things in organized way by several means like propaganda, diplomacy etc. Sovereignty is important and also must need thing now in this period of time is which we think, however in reality it is not so, the concept of sovereignty is loosing its worth. It looks just like an organized hypocrisy now with many developments going around in a quick rate. Hypocrisy means the practice of claiming to have higher standard of beliefs than in the case.à This hypocrisy is poised in a planned and a systematic way to get acceptance of all the sections of people. Every country have its own strategy to maintain that hypocrisy knowingly for its own benefits starting from very big country to small countries depending upon its own requirements. Concept of sovereignty is loosing its grip due to number of factors already stated. These include à ·Ã à à à à à à à Political affairs à ·Ã à à à à à à à Pro-westernization à ·Ã à à à à à à à Diplomatic relations. à ·Ã à à à à à à à International system à ·Ã à à à à à à à Globalization. Some students of international politics take sovereignty as an analytic assumption, other as a description of the practice of actors, and still others as a generative grammar. There is actor oriented perspective Krasner in his books organized hypocrisy focused on actor ââ¬â oriented perspective. But he says the actors are not the nations like in neo-liberalism, neo-realism etc., International order is must needed thing now or else within no time the world will collapse. This order helps to bind the international society together. ââ¬Å"There are four care values in the present international system. 1.à à à à à The maintenance of minimum public order, meaning the avoidance of behavior that would risk general war. 2.à à à à à Self-determination, although this term lacks any specific meaning beyond decolonization. 3.à à à à à Minimum human rights, which consists of the nation that a state violates international norms if it denies on ââ¬Å"identifiableà ¹ group equal access to the political, economic and social perquisite of that society.â⬠4.à à à à à Modernization, the assertion that living standards should be raised through at the world.â⬠Several international attempts were also dare to maintain balance with in a country between rulers and the minority groups. Minority groups means any section of society whether based on religion, 1. Krasner, Organized Hypocrisy language etc., who are in lesser number are treated as minorities. These peopleââ¬â¢s rights will be sometimes discarded, and then the rulers say it is their internal affairs. It has sovereign right to deal it by itself. There are severalà instances in past and present as well, where such aà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à situation has raised, for example in the Ottoman Empire, Fiji, where settlers are minority groups here, Sunni-Shia conflicts in many Arab countries, struggle between tribal groups in African countries. The claim of the states is that it is their internal affair and no one has right to interfere. Depending upon the issue the international community is interfering and asking the nations to deal the issue in a justified manner. Though there are several methods just like diplomacy, through international institutions , negotiations etc and if they are not going to work out then through economic sanctions , shutting down the diplomatic relations etc.,. Another important factor which influences Sovereignty is very new concept that is Globalization.à We are now staying in a global village where we cannot deny relations with others. If any country does that it will be the looser in the end of the day. Nations will suffer and the citizens of that country will be the real victims of the leaders polices. They say that they have every right to have their own agenda.à These agenda should be accepted by internationally community. Now with the revolution in telecommunications each and every aspect of development of all countries are known to all. If any country go according it own whi ms and fancies the international community is curtailing it with a strategy of collective economic sanctions enforced by international organizations. There are several instances where economic sanctions were imposed. Some of the examples are sanctions on Iraq after Gulf War, sanctions on India and Pakistan after Nuclear Tests, on South Africa for showing racial discrimination, etc. like this there are several examples. Like this there is no freedom to do according to its interests. But unfortunately this is not going to apply for developed countries. They are influencing the international organizations to give financial assistance to the smaller countries and to keep sanctions on them. This is possible due to their higher stake in those. This is making fun of the concept of Sovereignty. This will lose confidence on them and small countries will not trust them. Some countries are ending their relations with IMF and WB. à ¹Ã¢â¬Å"Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez announced that his country had withdrawn from the IMF and WB.â⬠And some other Latin American countries like Nicaraguan, Argentina etc are in that way. After giving due importance to developed countries also the international institutions though they are claiming that they are safeguarding the interests of nations and their sovereignty. This is nothing other than the organized Hypocrisy by international community controlled by developed nations. By above examples we may come to a conclusion that international community and globalization is dominating the states sovereignty but is not totally correct as we see. Even though the other factors are looking in front but the real player is the human factor which is influencing all the things. à ²Ã¢â¬Å"What Krasner regards as ââ¬Ëorganized hypocrisyââ¬â¢ may also be perceived, at least with some compassion for our human infirmities, as the 1.à à à à à Venezuela to Quit IMF, WB. Deccan Chronicle 2. Krasner, Emperorââ¬â¢s New Clothes. inherent, perforce ineluctable, contradictions of political existence. Hence, stretching this claim to its ultimate limits, it would follow that in the world of history and politics, the human actor, with all his/her constraints and contingencies, has precedence over institutions and structures, that personal decisions override international norms. For the politics of meaning, even for the modern man, lies beyond the politics of state-sovereignty.â⬠How many numbers of the factors may be or what ever the levels of their impact may be these factors undermined the concept of sovereignty which had lot of importance in the earlier days. But now it looks just like an organized hypocrisy.à Unless there are streamlined basic principles established by international conventions and accepted by international community and each and every nation in the world, we may forget the concept of sovereignty forever which is not good for the nations and world at large in long run.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Leading restaurant chains Essay Example
Leading restaurant chains Essay Example Leading restaurant chains Essay Leading restaurant chains Essay Essay Topic: Chains McDonald s is one of the taking eating house ironss in the universe, touching the lives of people mundane. The long journey of the Burger trade name started in 1940, when two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald opened the first McDonald s eating house in San Bernardino, California. Initially, they owned a hot dog base, but after set uping the eating house they served around 25 points, which were largely barbequed. It became a popular and profitable adolescent haunt. In 1948, the brothers closed and reopened the eating house to sell merely beefburgers, milk shakes and Gallic french friess. As per the information of the McDonald s history, the major gross came from beefburgers, which were sold at a nominal monetary value of 15 cents. The eating house bit by bit became celebrated and the McDonald brothers begin franchising their eating house in the twelvemonth 1953. The first franchise was taken by Neil Fox and under it ; the 2nd Mc Donald s eating house was opened in Fresno, California. It was the first to present the Golden Arch design. The 3rd and 4th eating houses were opened in Saginaw, Michigan and Downey, California, severally. The latter is the oldest Mc Donald s eating house still in operation. In 1954, an enterpriser and milkshake-mixer salesman, Ray Kroc, acquired the franchise of McDonald s eating house for outside California and Arizona. In consequence, Kroc opened his first and the overall 9th eating house in Illinois, Chicago, and gave birth to Mc Donald s Corporation. In 1958, the eating house concatenation sold its 100 millionth beefburger. In 1960, Kroc renamed his company as McDonald s Corporation . In 1961, Kroc convinced the McDonald brothers to sell the concern rights to him for a sum $ 2.7milion. Subsequently that twelvemonth, the Hamburger University was opened, which gave away McDonald s eating house Bachelor of Hamburgology grades to pupils. In 1963, the mascot Ronald McDonald was born as a portion of a selling scheme in US. In 1967, the first eating house outside US was opened in Richmond, British Columbia. In 1974, the 3000th eating house opened in Woolwich, United Kingdom, which is the first of the state. Happy Meal was introduced in US in 1979. In 1984, the company became the chief patron of the Summer Olympics. The twelvemonth was besides marked by the decease of Ray Kroc. In 1988, the first eating house opened in a communist state in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, followed by the first Soviet eating house in Moscow ( 1990 ) . In 1992, the largest McDonald s was opened in Beijing, China, holding over 700 seats and was subsequently demolished. In 1993, the first sea-going eating house was established, aboard the Finnish Cruise-ferry Silja Europa, sailing between Helsinki and Stockholm. In 1994, McDonald s bagged the Catalyst Award for its plan for fostering leading development in adult females . In 1996, the first Indian eating house was opened. In 2003, the company launched the I m lovin it run. In 2005, McDonald s started its McDelivery service in Singapore. In 2006, the concatenation announced that it will print nutritionary information on its packaging of all its merchandises, for the benefit of the clients. Sing the immense success and trade name McDonald s has become, the nutrient concatenation is spread across the universe in about all the major metropoliss of the Earth. Being economic and user friendly, the success rate of the company can non be doubted. McDonalds Canada opened in 1967 ; thirteen old ages after McDonalds had taken the United States by storm. This was the first eating house to be opened outside of the United States. It was in 1965 that McDonalds went public and offered portions on Wall Street. Since so it has been of import for McDonalds to continually supervise its public presentation, to do certain it is competitory and profitable piece besides being cognizant of its immediate community duties. This can be achieved by utilizing the Porters 5 Forces theoretical account so the company is able to find where its concern demands to alter or better in order to remain competitory in the fast nutrient industry. Analyse McDonalds utilizing a well known theoretical account to measure the competitory place that it occupies within its industry.Porter s competitory forces theoretical account includes five forces that need to be analysed. These forces include the strength of competition from traditional rivals, menace of new market entrants, menace of replacement merchandises and services, dickering power of clients and dickering power of providers ( Laudon A ; Laudon, 2007 ) .
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Human Reource management for Samsung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human Reource management for Samsung - Essay Example The organizational structure also determines the approaches used in decision-making. This paper will present a report on the strategies that Samsung can adopt to register high performance and ensure a favorable working environment. Motivation and Reward This section will present an analysis of the motivation and reward procedure used by Samsung. In a bid to motivate its workers, Samsung has a very modern strategy, which offers the workers with a diverse range of possibilities. For starters, the managers in Samsung have made sure that the working hour-schedule suits the employees in conformity to their preferences, a factor that ensures that people are enthusiastic of each dayââ¬â¢s work. Employees have a clear ascending path in the company, with the option to remain at the level of an individual contributor or become a manager (Pattanayak, 2005). It gives the employee awareness that if he does a good job, he will very likely ascend in the hierarchy, and receive a bigger salary and extra benefits. It is a strong motivational factor as the employee receives an adequate challenge, and the outcomes of staying with the company. Samsung has adopted a ââ¬Å"pick your packageâ⬠style of benefits for the employees. ... Moreover, Samsung is working on improving their workplace to offer a free catering, Starbucks gym, and social club on-site. Some optional benefits include social events, holidays, activities within the company, and many more, to maintain a good relationship between the company and the staff. This human resource strategy has shown its viability as evidenced by its adoption by companies such as Google and Kaspersky labs. The feedback collected from the employees indicates a feeling of satisfaction and a will to progress within the company (Pattanayak, 2005). Evidently, Samsung has achieved its goal in terms of motivation and reward. Samsung has also considered establishing goal incentives. This is an additional performance-based pay system to reward employees for improvement in their work efficiency. This system makes use part of the extra profit generated because of the effective performance of the management, human resource, facilities, and technology of our company (Lindholm, Yarris h, &Zaballero, 2012). When a business unit achieves good business performance, it allocates part of the extra profit to executives and employees. Under this system, part of an employeeââ¬â¢s salary is determined based on the collective performance of the group. This is a variable reward system, under which executives and employees receive part of the profit in cases where a high performance that exceeds the goal is registered. Organizational Change and Culture This section describes Samsung's organizational change and culture, with admiration to RensisLikertââ¬â¢s participative decision-making theory. According to this theory, employers should seek to allow
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Caveolin protein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Caveolin protein - Essay Example l of three (3) variants known as the caveloin-1 (CAV-1), caveolin-2 (CAV-2), and caveolin-3 (CAV-3) (Gussak and Antezelevitch 234; Williams and Lisanti). CAV-1 and CAV-2 can be found in most cells whereas CAV-3 can be found in muscle cells of the heart (Yuan, Garcia and Hales 275). Having a complete sequence status, the size of amino acid length of CAV-1 is 178 (UniProtKB). As a 21- to 24-kDa protein, CAV-1 is composed of 16 amino acids longer than CAV-2 and additional N-terminal 27 amino acids as compared to CAV-3 (Fielding 177). CAV-1 has two variants known as CAV-1à ± (contains amino acid tyrosin 14) and CAV-1à ² (does not contain the ââ¬Å"first 31 amino acid present in CAV 1à ±) (Mercier, Jasmin and Lisanti 18). Both CAV-1à ± and 1à ² can be found in the lungs whereas CAV-1à ² can be found in the epithelial cells (Yuan, Garcia and Hales 275). With regards to internalization of the material, Garcia and Hales (275) explained that CAV-1 can be phosphorylated in ââ¬Å"Rab4-labelled, Rab5-labelled or the early endosome antigen-1-labelled compartments which then subsequently move to the Rab11-associated compartmentâ⬠. Tang, ZhaoLan, Philipp E. Scherer, Takashi Okamoto, et al. "Molecular cloning of caveolin-3, a novel member of the caveolin gene family expressed predominantly in muscle." Journal of Biological Chemistry 271.4 (1996):
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Significants of Gallipoli Film and Documentry Essay Example for Free
Significants of Gallipoli Film and Documentry Essay The documentary Gallipoli by Tolga Ornak and the film of the same name by Peter Weir, are useful resources to stimulate middle school student interest in, and engagement with, the story of Galipoli and its context in Wold War 1. The 2005 documentary Gallipoli by Turkish filmmaker Tolga Ornek is a graphic examination of the disastrous Gallipoli campaign told by both sides. The story is explored through primary resources such as personal diaries and letters. By using exerpts from the diaries and letters of the soldiers living the experience, the documentary allows these young men a voice which reaches through history to tell us of the hopes they had, the betrayal they felt and the misery they suffered. This is not done in grandiose rhetoric but rather with the matter -of -fact simple language of ordinary men writing letters home or writing in their diaries. The documentary focuses on the experiences of ten men (two Turks, three Australians, three New Zealanders and two from Britain) who represent the range of the soldiers present on both sides of the battle. Their stories are illustrated with photographs taken of the actual events by both official war photographers and the soldiers themselves. These images of the faces of these men tell the human story of the suffering of both sides. Ornek also utilises reenactments to create dramatic reconstructions of the landings and the battle. Woven throughout the documentary are the historical perspectives given by academic and military experts. The 1981 Australian film Gallipoli, directed by Peter Weir is is focused on several young men from country Western Australia who join the Australian Army to fight in the First World War. They are sent to Turkey, where they take part in the Gallipoli Campaign. During the course of the movie, the young men slowly lose their innocence about the purpose of war. Gallipoli portrays the story through the eyes of these Australian men. It does not give the other sides view. It captures the ideals and character of the Australians who joined up to fight, as well as the conditions they endured on the battlefield. It does, however, modify events for dramatic purposes and contains a number of significant historical inaccuracies. The story , characters and their experiences while based on actual events are entirely fictious. The film and the documentary both explore similar themes. They are both overwhelmingly ââ¬Ëanti-war focusing on the horror of trench warfare by showing the brutality and suffering of the individuals. Both works examine the loss of innocence and coming of age of the young soldiers and of their country. This is a central motif for Peter Weirââ¬â¢s film and is portrayed through Archyââ¬â¢s drive to go to war prove that he is indeed a man. This is highlighted early in the film when the Uncle reads from Kiplingââ¬â¢s The Jungle Book in which he describes Mowgliââ¬â¢s tranformation into a man. Like Archy, Australia the nation is young and eager to prove its worth to and independence from its mother country. Like Archy the nation lost its innocence on on the battlefields of Gallipoli. Both the documentary and the film highlight Australiaââ¬â¢s blind devotion to the Empire. The Australia of 1915 was still very much tied to the mother country Great Britian. In Weirââ¬â¢s film this theme is explored through the two main characters in Archyââ¬â¢s ignorant patriotism and Frankââ¬â¢s cynical pragmatism towards the British. In Ornakââ¬â¢s Gallipoli the blind devotion to the empire is explored throught the ANZACââ¬â¢S tale. Although there were many reasons to enlist the documentary focuses on the larrikin spirit of the Australians and the adventure and pride the ANSACS felt serving their mother country Great Britian. The theme of mateship features heavily in Weirââ¬â¢s Gallipoli. This force that bonds Australians together in times of need is explored through the relationship which develops between Archy and Franky despite their being from different ends of the social spectrum. Yet in the chaos of war they are thrown together and their mateship overcomes the differences of their social backgrounds. Weir also uses the theme of the Australian sporting spirit. This part of the Australian campaign contributes strongly to Franks determination to sign up for the war effort. Competition was promoted to enable young men to be apart off the action ââ¬Å"The greatest game of the allâ⬠. The Sport, an integral part of the Australian persona, is effectively linked to war by Weir, indicating that our soldiers are merely playing a mans game where they will have ââ¬Ëno sporting chanceââ¬â¢ ââ¬â this time, there will be no winners. Orek and Weir convey the sense of betrayal these soldiers felt. Both vehicles highlight the way in which enlisting was sold as the chance to see the world and seek adventure. Weir uses the Trojan horse to highlight how war is often sold as an exciting adventure but this facade is a trap. Ornakââ¬â¢s documentary describes how the turks saw themselves as defending their homeland. The story of Galipoli is told in the film with the full cinematic experience. The leads are all good looking and the beautiful wide shot photography both help to ââ¬Ëromantisice ââ¬Ëthe war experience. This ââ¬Ëhollywoodââ¬â¢ delivery of the story is very attractive to young audiences who are used to receiving their entertainment in this form. However based on events which took place on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915, the characters portrayed in this film are entirely fictitious. While the audience is emotionally involved with the charcters some of the power is lost when students learn that these characters are not real. The film also takes some dramatic licence with some historical facts. Some aspects of the film were inacurate as further research into the Gallipoli campaign I discovered that The Australian War Museumââ¬â¢s website says the minimum age for enlistments during World War I was 18, not 21 as shown in the movie This is not the case with Ornakââ¬â¢s Galipoli. His use of primary resources is a major strength of the film. Combining actual footage, stills and re-enactments with previously unseen letters and diaries of soldiers, Gallipoli allows us to experience the soldiers who suffered the consequence of false orders, bad orders and ill-prepared attacks. This makes a huge impact on the audience and makes it interesting and engaging to watch. Both the film and the documentary are rich resources to support the study for year 9 and 10 students in the frist world war and as apart of the mandatory Australian History course. Both works are suitable to be studies as part of Australian history course as both help students to engage and empathise with those who experienced Galipoli. Weirââ¬â¢s film is an easy introduction while Ornakââ¬â¢s documentary further extends a students understanding of the Galipoli campaign.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Differences between Hypertext and the Printed Page :: Art Painting Language Essays
The Differences between Hypertext and the Printed Page Two painters, alone in the night, fervently work on their objets dââ¬â¢art. One, concerned with borders and lines, and the obviousness of it all, creates on her canvas a network of lines, circles, and primary colors. The other, thinking more about the medium (or rather the way she can master the colors and images), whimsically lets her hands wander on the surface, combining hues and smudging shapes. As the sun peaks its head over the hillside, each artist will have created her own oeuvre. Networks of lines and shapes, blurred lines and indistinguishable endings, like the paintings, hypertext has achieved that same structure. The goal of hypertext, it would seem, is to create works of increasing abstraction so that the way in which we relate to a written work gradually moves away from its informational content to the object, in and of itself. The transition is, by far, not an easy one. The academy is fraught with controversy over the obscurity of the hypertext medium. Lando w, in his section of Hyper/Text/Theory entitled ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s a Critic to Do?,â⬠attempts to reconcile the differences between hypertext and the printed pageââ¬âdifferences that are as blatant, yet as subtle, as those between an abstract painting and an impressionist painting. The blurred edges of hypertext are represented by the concept of seemingly indistinguishable authorship. The author function becomes less significant as hypertext modes of textuality allow for a cacophony of voices to be included in each work. In contrast to the read-only versions of hypertext (those which cannot be annotated or amended), networked textuality allows for greater flexibility. The particular importance of networked textualityââ¬âthat is, textuality written, stored, and read on a computer networkââ¬âappears when technology transforms readers into reader-authors or ââ¬Å"wreaders,â⬠because any contribution, any change in the web created by one reader, quickly becomes available to other readers. This ability to write within a particular web in turn transforms comments from private notes, such as one takes in margins of onesââ¬â¢ own copy of a text, into public statements than, especially within educational settings, have powerfully democratizing effects (Landow 14). Hypertextual liberation comes from the shift from an expressive author who bears his or her soul in writing, to a community of voices who individually shape the text.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Demand Curve and Supply Curve Essay
Demand and supply have been generalized to explain macroeconomic variables in a market economy. The Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply model is the most direct application of supply and demand to macroeconomics. Compared to microeconomic uses of demand and supply, different theoretical considerations apply to such macroeconomic counterparts as aggregate demand and aggregate supply. The AD-AS or Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply model is a macroeconomic model that explains price level and output through the relationship of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. It is based on the theory of John Maynard Keynes presented in his work ââ¬Å"The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Moneyâ⬠. It is one of the primary simplified representations in the modern field of macroeconomics and is used by a broad array of economists, from libertarian, monetarist supporters of laissez-faire, such as Milton Friedman to Post-Keynesian supporters of economic interventionism, such as Joan Robinson. Brief history of demand curve and supply curve According to Hamid S.à Hosseini, the power of supply and demand was understood to some extent by several early Muslim economists, such as Ibn Taymiyyah who illustrates- ââ¬Å"If desire for goods increases while its availability decreases, its price rises. On the other hand, if availability of the good increases and the desire for it decreases, the price comes downâ⬠. In 1691, John Locke worked on some considerations of the consequences of the lowering of interest and the raising of the value of money. It includes an early and clear description of supply and demand and their relationship. In this description demand is rent: ââ¬Å"The price of any commodity rises or falls by the proportion of the number of buyer and sellersâ⬠and ââ¬Å"that which regulates the price of goods is nothing else but their quantity in proportion to their rent. â⬠The phrase ââ¬Å"supply and demandâ⬠was first used by James Denham-Steuart in his Inquiry into the ââ¬Å"Principles of Political Oeconomyâ⬠which was published in 1767. Adam Smith used the phrase in his book ââ¬Å"The Wealth of Nationsâ⬠(1776) and David Ricardo titled one chapter of his work ââ¬Å"Principles of Political Economy and Taxationâ⬠(1817) On the Influence of Demand and Supply on Price. In The Wealth of Nations, Smith generally assumed that the supply price was fixed but that its value would decrease as its ââ¬Å"scarcityâ⬠increased, in effect what was later called the law of demand also. Ricardo, in Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, more rigorously laid down the idea of the assumptions that were used to build his ideas of supply and demand. Antoine Augustin Cournot first developed a mathematical model of supply and demand in his 1838 Researches into the Mathematical Principles of Wealth including diagrams. In1870, Fleeming Jenkin in the course of ââ¬Å"Introducing the diagrammatic method into the English economic literatureâ⬠published the first drawing of supply and demand curves including comparative statics from a shift of supply or demand and application to the labor market. The model was further developed and popularized by Alfred Marshall in the textbook ââ¬Å"Principles of Economicsâ⬠(1890). The Standard demand curve and the aggregate demand curve The standard demand curve represents the quantity of a good that a consumer will buy at a given price, holding all else constant. For example, consumer A might buy zero oranges at $1 each, one orange at 75 cents each, and two at 50 cents each, while consumer B might buy one at $1, two at 75 cents, and three at 50 cents. When charted on a grid with price on the vertical axis and quantity purchased on the horizontal axis, these points form the individual demand curves for consumers A and B. The aggregate demand curve represents the total quantity of all goods (and services) demanded by the economy at different price levels. An example of an aggregate demand curve is given in Figure 1. The vertical axis represents the price level of all final goods and services. The aggregate price level is measured by either the GDP deflator or the CPI. The horizontal axis represents the real quantity of all goods and services purchased as measured by the level of real GDP. Notice that the aggregate demand curve, AD, like the demand curves for individual goods, is downward sloping, implying that there is an inverse relationship between the price level and the quantity demanded of real GDP. The standard supply curve and the aggregate supply curve The standard supply curve is a graph showing the relationships between the price of a good and the quantity supplied. The supply curve slopes upward because other things equal, a higher price means a greater quantity supplied. The aggregate supply curve shows the relationship between the price level and the quantity of goods and services supplied in an economy. The equation for the upward sloping aggregate supply curve, in the short run, is Y = Ynatural + a (P ââ¬â Pexpected). In this equation, Y is output, Ynatural is the natural rate of output that exists when all productive factors are used at their normal rates, ââ¬Å"aâ⬠is a constant greater than zero, P is the price level, and Pexpected is the expected price level. This equation holds only in the short run because in the long run the aggregate supply curve is a vertical line, as output is dictated by the factors of production alone. An aggregate supply curve is shown in Figure 2. The aggregate supply curve equation means that output deviates from the natural rate of output when the price level deviates from the expected price level. The constant, a, shows how much output changes due to unexpected deviation in the price level. The slope of the aggregate supply curve is (1/a) which depicts the short-run aggregate supply curve and the long- run aggregate supply curve. The vertical axis is the price level. The horizontal axis is output or income. The short-run aggregate supply curve is downward sloping with slope equal to (1/a) while the long-run aggregate supply curve is vertical with no slope. The reason that the short-term aggregate supply curve is upward sloping is a bit more complex. Factors that determine the slope of AD-AS curve model The slope of AD curve reflects the extent to which the real balances change the equilibrium level of spending, taking both assets and goods markets into consideration. An increase in real balances will lead to a larger increase in equilibrium income and spending, the smaller the interest responsiveness of money demand and the higher the interest responsiveness of investment demand. An increase in real balances leads to a larger level of income and spending, the larger the value of multiplier and the smaller the income response of money demand. This implies that the AD curve is flatter, smaller is the interest responsiveness of the demand for money and larger is the interest responsiveness of investment demand. Also, the AD curve is flatter; the larger is the multiplier and the smaller the income responsiveness of the demand for money. We know that aggregate demand is comprised of C(Y ââ¬â T) + I(r) + G + NX(e) = Y. Thus, a decrease in any one of these terms will lead to a shift in the aggregate demand curve to the left. The first term that will lead to a shift in the aggregate demand curve is C(Y ââ¬â T). This term states that consumption is a function of disposable income. If disposable income decreases, consumption will also decrease. There are many ways that consumption can decrease. An increase in taxes would have this effect. Similarly, a decrease in incomeââ¬âholding taxes stableââ¬âwould also have this effect. Finally, a decrease in the marginal propensity to consume or an increase in the savings rate would also decrease consumption. The second term that will lead to a shift in the aggregate demand curve is I(r). This term states that investment is a function of the interest rate. If the interest rate increases, investment falls as the cost of investment rises. There are a number of ways that investment can fall. If the interest rate rises, say due to contractionary monetary or fiscal policy, investment will fall. Similarly, in the short run, expansionary fiscal policy will also cause investment to fall as crowding out occurs. Another interesting cause of a fall in investment is an exogenous decrease in investment spending. This occurs when firms simply decide to invest less without regard for the interest rate. The term variable that will lead to a shift in the aggregate demand curve is G. This term captures the whole of government spending. The only way that government spending is changed is through fiscal policy. Recall that the budgetary debate is an ongoing political battlefield. Thus, government spending tends to change regularly. When government spending decreases, regardless of tax policy, aggregate demand decrease, thus shifting to the left. The fourth term that will lead to a shift in the aggregate demand curve is NX(e). This term means that net exports, defined as exports less imports, is a function of the real exchange rate. As the real exchange rate rises, the dollar becomes stronger, causing imports to rise and exports to fall. Thus, policies that raise the real exchange rate though the interest rate will cause net exports to fall and the aggregate demand curve to shift left. Again, an exogenous decrease in the demand for exported goods or an exogenous increase in the demand for imported goods will also cause the aggregate demand curve to shift left as net exports fall. An example of this type of exogenous shift would be a change in tastes or preferences. The aggregate demand curve also can shift right as the economy expands. When the aggregate demand curve shifts right, the quantity of output demanded for a given price level rises. Therefore, a shift of the aggregate demand curve to the right represents an economic expansion. A shift of the aggregate demand curve to the right is simply affected by the opposite conditions that cause it to shift to the left. A change in one or more of the following determinants of aggregate supply will shift the aggregate supply curve in the short run. ââ¬â Change in the input prices (domestic or imported resources price), change in productivity, change in legal institutional environment (business taxes and government regulation). An increase in short-run aggregate supply will shift the curve rightward; a decrease will shift the curve leftward. The long run aggregate supply curve is vertical. Similarities between the Ad-AS curve model and the standard demand-supply curve model The conventional ââ¬Å"aggregate supply and demandâ⬠model is actually a Keynesian visualization that has come to be a widely accepted image of the theory. The Classical supply and demand model, which is largely based on Sayââ¬â¢s Law, or that supply creates its own demand depicts the aggregate supply curve as being vertical at all times. The both demand curve and the aggregate demand curve is negatively sloped from left to right and both curves represent the law of demand. The short-run aggregate supply curve or SRAS curve has similarities the standard supply curve. Both are positively sloped. Both curves relate price and quantity. Differences between the Ad-AS curve model and the standard demand-supply curve model In aggregate demand curve, there is no substitute effect because we cannot substitute all goods. But in standard demand curve it exists. The aggregate demand curve has no income effect because a lower price level actually means less nominal income for the resource suppliersââ¬â¢ e. g. lower wages, rents, interests, and profits. But in standard demand curve it exists. The major differences between the standard supply curve and the aggregate supply curve are as follows- for the market supply curve, the vertical axis measures supply price and the horizontal axis measures quantity supplied. For the short-run aggregate supply curve, however, the vertical axis measures the price level (GDP price deflator) and the horizontal axis measures real production (real GDP). The positive slope of the market curve reflects the law of supply and is attributable to the law of diminishing marginal returns. In contrast, the positive slope of the short-run aggregate supply curve is attributable to: (1) inflexible resource prices that often makes it easier to reduce aggregate real production and resource employment when the price level falls, (2) the pool of natural unemployment, consisting of frictional and structural unemployment, that can be used temporarily to increase aggregate real production when the price level rises and (3) imbalances in the purchasing power of resource prices that can temporarily entice resource owners to produce more or less aggregate real production than they would at full employment. Conclusion Whereas the standard supply and demand curve model discusses on individuals, the aggregate supply and demand curve model works with the whole economy. This model is built on the assumption that prices are sticky in the short run and flexible in the long run. This model also highlights the role of monetary policy. This model shows how shocks to the economy cause output to deviate temporarily from the level implied by the standard model. By this model, we can observe the economy more efficiently than before.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Abortion And Its Effect On Society - 1272 Words
In society today, abortion takes place on a daily basis. Abortions have been a subject of medical, lawful, religious, and moral intrigue for a long time. As a legislative issue in the United States, abortion has been acknowledged and subsequently managed for many years. In the mid 1800s, every state that had developed at the time had also created some form of abortion law. To this day, 60% of abortion laws we face today were enacted in that period (Hardin, 1969). However, even before these restrictive laws were established, its effects on society and morals has been long recognized. Various denominations of Catholicism and Orthodox Judaism, for example, do not allow such procedures to take place, and deal out religious sanctions as a result. There has been debate on the issue by other growing denominations, with an expanding comprehension, on their part, of the personal and religious issues included, and the subsequent leadership of them assumed. Little research has been done, howeve r, on a relationship between the amount of education and abortion. While education opportunities play a large factor in demographics within society, it may also play a large role in abortion decisions. Education In a recent article issued by the Guttmacher Institute, a study has revealed some information on a surprising survey conducted in Brazil (Diaz, 2014). They have found that women with higher levels of education are more likely to have an abortion (and subsequently experience lessShow MoreRelatedAbortion And Its Effects On Society1822 Words à |à 8 PagesAbortion in Society The modern world today is brought together by many different cultures, beliefs, thoughts, opinions and morals. Which makes life difficult at times and causes people to not get along when differences can not be set aside. 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